Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Microsoft Magic

nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the Computer which can be named as 'CON', 'NUL', 'AUX'.
This is something funny and inexplicable... At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't answer why this happened!

For those of you using Windows, do the following:
1.) Open an empty notepad file
2.) Type 'Bush hid the facts' (without the quotes)
3.) Save it as whatever you want.
4.) Close it, and re-open it.
Noticed the weird bug? No one can explain!

Again this is something funny and can't be explained... At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened!
It was discovered by a Brazilian. Try it out yourself...
1.) Open Microsoft Word and type
=rand (200, 99)
And then press ENTER And see the magic.....!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Boss and the Leader

Boss Drives him men
Leader inspires them

Boss evokes fear
Leader radiates love

Boss says “I”
Leader says “We”

Boss says who is wrong
Leader shows what is wrong

Boss know how it is done
Leader shows how to do it

Boss abuses men
Leader used them

Boss demands respect
Leader command respect

Boss makes work drudgery
Leader makes it a fun

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


People say there is no difference between COMPLETE & FINISH.
.But there is a Difference..
When you marry the right one
you are COMPLETE...&
When you marry the wrong one
you are FINISHED...

Monday, August 2, 2010

This is 4 all those guyz n girlz who say,”We r just friends

Shakspear said, “A Boy & a Girl can never b Friends forever.”

Lincoln said, “Friendship is the starting step 4 wat we call Love.”

Wrdswrth said, “Proposing a Boy or a Girl for Friendship is nothing but indirectly saying, I LIKE U.”

Jackie Chan said, “Love is a everlasting Friendship.”

Michael Jackson said,”If 1 can become ur Best Friend, then He or She can easily bcum ur Life Partner!

If you feel like life is too fast

If you feel like life is too fast, if there is no more room on the schedule for another thing to do, if the chaos of the world around you has caused you to create a life determined by others rather than yourself, and if you are desperately seeking a way to slow things down in order to breathe – then here’s a few suggestions to try.

Take a walk.
Make it a point each day to walk with your spouse and your kids. Spring is here in Texas so the weather gets better each day. Go outside and sit and observe the world around you. Walk and talk with your spouse.

Walk or ride a bike to places you need to go.
Some stores may be too far to walk, but not all. I love the times when my wife and kids and I walk or ride up to the grocery store or a restaurant for dinner. Sure it takes longer to get there, that’s the point. Enjoy the journey there together.

Make it a point to eat outside often.
There’s something about being in nature that allows you to slow down. Go to the park for a picnic, eat out in the backyard, or on the patio. Get outside.

Find a moment alone each morning.
Before you jump into the day, take some time to simply sit quietly. The longer the better. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. Breathe in and out, relax, meditate, pray. What better way to start each day?

Don’t check email first thing in the morning.
I struggle with this one the most. It’s such a routine to fire up the laptop first thing in the morning and check to see what’s going on with the blog, emails, etc. This allows too many other things to invade my life too soon in the day. Try waiting until 9 or 10 each morning to check email. That way the first part of the day can be spent on whatever is most important.

Turn off all phones.
At some point each evening, turn off your phones, or at the very least don’t answer them for a while and spend that time with your spouse and family. Play games, read together, talk.

Color with crayons.
This one is great if you have little ones around. There’s something magical about the feeling of coloring with crayons. Let yourself go and color. Don’t simply help your child with their coloring, color for yourself.

Go on a media fast.
We’ve been on a news fast for almost a year. Absolutely love it! Most everything reported today is negative, so why get caught up in it each evening? Don’t worry, with Google and Yahoo, you’ll still know the major things happening in the world.


these are some of magnafecent advertisements that I received by an e mail. really creative stuff.

A "Don't Drink and Drive" campaign by Vasir breweries on their beer bottle caps. Upon opening the bottle, the car printed on the cap appears bent, and on reverse we have the simple slogan. Very simple but effective.

A very simple but hard-hitting advertisement by the Mumbai Traffic Police on the importance of wearing helmet: